July 24, 2024

AI and Healthcare to improve people’s lifestyle: A new series of webinars

To illustrate the impact of the extraordinary developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on many different sectors, including healthcare, the SmartCHANGE Consorium has organised a series of webinars.

During the first webinar on 11 July 2024, two other EU-funded projects exploring the use of AI in areas such as chronic heart failure or improving young people’s lifestyles were presented together with SmartCHANGE: AI4HF and DataTools4Heart.

The approval of the AI Act on 13 March 2024 by the European Parliament, whose final text was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 12 July 2024, underlines the need to regulate AI in healthcare to ensure people’s safety, privacy and general well-being. It introduces a risk-based approach to strike a balance between necessary regulation and innovation and interacts with existing legislation such as the European Medical Device Regulation, which has governed the certification of digital health tools for several years.

In this first webinar, several experts provided information and insights from different angles based on their work and expertise in addressing the new challenges arising from these recent regulatory advances.

Thanks to the success of this webinar, the SmartCHANGE Consorium looks forward to working with AI4HF and DataTools4Heart to host more webinars in the future.